Këto foto tregojnë momentin kur anija kozmike gjigande “Soyuz” po transportohen në Kazakistan përpara misionit për të dërguar astronautët amerikanë në Stacionin Hapësinor Ndërkombëtar.

Një tren shihet që lëviz anijen hapësinore gjigande Soyuz MS-08 në Azinë Qëndrore, përpara se të vendoset në pozicion.

Anija hapësinore, që do të mbajë në ekuipazh  dy anëtarë ameriakanë Ricky Arnold dhe Dreë Feustel të NASA-s dhe gjithashtu edhe kozmonautin rus Oleg Artemyev. Kjo anije pritet të niset të mërkurën.

Ata do të shpenzojnë 5 muajt e ardhshëm duke jetuar e punuar në Stacionin Hapësinor Ndërkombëtar, një bashkëpunim i rrallë mes amerikanëve dhe rusëve.

A giant Soyuz rocket has been delivered to a launch pad in Kazakhstan ahead of its mission to take US astronauts to the International Space StationThe crew will spend the next five months living and working aboard the International Space Station, a rare example of American and Russian international cooperation that has been orbiting Earth at about 17,000 miles per hour since 1998The Soyuz MS-08 spacecraft for the next International Space Station crew is transported from an assembling hangar to the launchpad ahead of its upcoming launch in KazakhstanA train could be seen hauling the huge Soyuz MS-08 spacecraft towards the Baikonur Cosmodrome in the Central Asian nation before it was lifted into positionSpecialists work on the Soyuz MS-08 spacecraft ahead of the planned launch on March 21. It will carry astronauts Drew Feustel and Ricky Arnold of the U.S and crewmate Oleg Artemyev of RussiaThe Soyuz MS-08 is scheduled for lift-off on March 21. It will transport three members of the Expedition 55 crew to the International Space StationThe crew will spend five months on the International Space Station and will be taken there in this giant Soyuz MS-08 spacecraftAn official stands guard as people photograph the giant rocket during its transportation to a launch pad in Kazakhstan this morning 


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